The Imported Slurry Statistics and Analysis in China from January to May in 2001

According to statistics from the Customs, in the first quarter of this year, the import volume of pulp in China has decreased significantly compared with the same period of last year. The market demand is weak, and pulp users have been reluctant to open positions. Imports in April began to rise and fall, showing a good year-on-year rise in the first month of the current year, continuing to grow in May and showing some changes in exporting countries and regions.
In January and May, China’s pulp import volume continued to rise, bringing the total import volume from January to May to a year-on-year increase.
Although the first year of pulp import volume increased in April this year, the total import volume in April-April decreased by 4.23% compared with the same period of last year. In May, the import volume of pulp continued to increase, making it possible for the period from January to May. The total amount of imports has also been raised, and the downward trend has been reversed in one stroke, up 2.99% year-on-year.
In May, the total import volume of pulp in China was 390,700 tons, an increase of 40,000 tons from April, an increase of 11.5%. The natural coniferous wood pulp was 45,000 tons, a decrease of 23,000 tons from the previous month, bleaching needle wood pulp was 158,000 tons, an increase of 49,000 tons from the previous month, and bleached wood pulp was 134,000 tons, an increase of 37,000 from the previous month. Ton.
From January to May, China's total import of pulp was 1.518 million tons, an increase of 45,000 tons, an increase of 2.99%.
Second, Chile and Thailand have sprung up and the volume of imported pulp in China has increased significantly this month.
1, Chile's natural coniferous pulp imported into China in May amounted to 28,000 tons, although compared with the previous month decreased by nearly 10,000 tons, but the year-on-year increase is still 221%. However, it has achieved remarkable results in the market expansion of bleaching needle wood pulp. In May, China imported 45,000 tons of this type of pulp from Chile, an increase of 14 times from April and a 29-fold increase compared to the same period last year, which is almost equivalent to last year. -In May, China imported the total amount of bleaching needle wood pulp from Chile. It can be seen that after the Chilean pulp has entered the market of China's natural coniferous pulp slurry, it has expanded to the bleaching needle pulp market and is second only to Canada in the pulp importing country. According to the 22nd issue of the analysis of imported pulp statistics in the April-February issue of this issue, the decline in the South American pulp price will make its orders in China grow rapidly, and this month has been confirmed.
2. Among importing countries of wood pulp, it is worth noting that Thailand imported 13,000 tons of pulp into China in May, which is 7 times of the previous month. In April, it was only 0.15 million tons, which is an increase compared to the same period of last year. 37.3%. Although the share of Thailand's wood pulp in the Chinese market is small, and this year's first quarter has dropped significantly from last year, it has increased in volume in May and will continue to be favored by Chinese users in the later period. Imports will continue to grow, and people Wait and see.
Third, the prices of European and Ukrainian coniferous pulp have continued to decline in the international market and their competitiveness has increased.
Since the beginning of this year, the global pulp market has been rapidly declining, and inventory levels have remained high. At this time, a large number of cheap wood pulp such as Russia and Indonesia has poured in to seize market share. China's pulp users have turned to the latter because of the large price gap between the European and American pulps and cheap pulp. Therefore, China imported a large amount of pulp from Russia, Indonesia, and other countries in the first quarter, while imports of wood pulp from Europe and the United States dropped significantly. For example, from January to April, bleach pulp imported from Sweden decreased by 61.6% compared with the same period of last year, and imported pulp from Canada decreased by 75.5% year-on-year. However, at the time of China's total import growth in May, the major pulp exporting countries in Europe and North America maintained a simultaneous growth. It can be seen that the pulp market price in the international pulp market has been declining step by step, and the huge price gap between the European and American pulps and cheap pulp has gradually been reduced, and its competitiveness has been enhanced. As a result, it has become somewhat active.
China Imported Pulp Statistics from January to May 2001
May 2001 May to May 2001 January to May May May to May May 2000 May to May Month May to May Months May to May Months Total Imports % of the Variety Import % of Imports % of the Variety Import volume% + -/% Total import volume 390,7191,563,767--293,5221,518,377--45,3902.99 unbleached coniferous wood pulp 45,255162,07010.36-28,67487,7455.79-74,32584.71 where Russia 10 ,81348,418-29.8714,91448,766-55.58-348-0.71 Chile 28,90981,104-50.048,99623,288-26.5457,816248.27 United States 4,98221,174-13.064,51812,250-13.968,92472.85 bleaching needle Wood pulp 157,797490,08431.34-119,503560,82636.94 -70,742-12.61 of which Sweden 1,8226,600-1.354,34816,800-3.00-10,200-60.71 Russia 35,625205,491-41.9341,726174,245-31.0731 , 24617.93 Chile 45,27149,271-10.051, 47145,489-8.113, 7828.31 Canada 53,027164,577-33.5854,207242,813-43.30-78,236-32.22 United States 11,26242,692-8.71

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