Silicone adhesives are the only materials that bind silicone rubber products and silicone-coated textiles. Some products can withstand temperature changes of -50°C to 200°C and have good chemical resistance. The recently developed Elastosil R4001/40 silicone adhesive is a single-component product that has a long shelf life, quickly cures when heated, and has a strong adhesive effect. Its main innovation is in the catalyst system. The new catalyst allows the final single-component silicone rubber to be stored in blocks or sheets for at least three months; the adhesive cures quickly, but this only occurs after heating; The material can be firmly bonded with silicone rubber, metal, fiberglass textiles, and silicone textile films.
Elastosil R4001/40 is sold by squeezing, pressing, and tamping to form blocks, ribbons, films or sheets, respectively. The connection is achieved by heating or applying pressure to the connected member through an adhesive film. When the adhesive film is heated, it produces permanent crosslinking. The advantage of processing this adhesive film is that there is no need for additional mixing steps, and the thickness of the film is uniform and the process is clean and convenient.
Source: China Polymer Network