Isophthalmic Insufficient and Polyester Formulas


Component dosage /g component dosage /g
Isophthalic Unsaturated Polyester 100 di-tert-butyl p-cresol 0.07
Colloidal Silica 2.4
Diacetone Acrylamide 20 Orthophosphoric Acid 3.6
Benzoyl peroxide solution (50%) 2.4 Methyl ethyl ketone 43
Acetone 21

Preparation and curing Room temperature curing, or 120 ~ 140 °C 5 ~ 15min (pressure of 0.05 ~ 0.1MPa) curing.

Use The glue is used for impregnating paper to produce polyester paper plastic board with high transparency and gloss.

Source: 21st Century Fine Chemicals Network

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