Other versions may differ slightly)
First, the main shortcuts: These shortcuts used on the selected object. The main shortcut can be used in the drawing window or in the dialog.
The main shortcut opens the dialog and shutter window. They also enable the user to set parameters in dialog boxes, such as the Alignment & Distribution dialog box parameters. In addition to the main shortcut, the user can press the Alt key plus any menu with a bottom line character to read menus and commands. For example, the user needs to open a new graphic. You can press Alt+F and then press N. The following form outlines a brief description of the main shortcut and each of its shortcuts.
Toolbar Shortcuts Shortcuts Name Short Description Space Select to switch back and forth between current tools and selection tools (except for text tools)
Ctrl+Spacebar Select to switch from any tool (including text tools) to the selection tool
F5 Curve tool selects last used curve tool
F10 shaping tool selection shaping tool
F8 Text Tool Select Text Tool
F7 Ellipse tool Select ellipse tool
F6 rectangular tool selection rectangle tool
Y Polygon Tool Select Polygon Tool
File Management Shortcuts Shortcuts Name Description
Ctrl+N New New File
Ctrl+O Opens an existing file
Ctrl+I input file to CrelDRAW
Ctrl+E output from CrelDRAW output file
Ctrl+S saves the file using an existing file name (If the user does not specify a file name, CorelDRAW will prompt the user to name the file) Save the current version of the working file
Ctrl+P Print Print Job File or Select
Ctrl+J option to enter the options dialog box for the user to set the default
Display Shortcuts Shortcuts Name Description
Ctrl+W Refresh Refreshes the view in the drawing file Click a scroll mark Refresh Refreshes the view of the drawing window
F9 Full Screen Preview Switch Full Screen Preview
Shift+F9 view toggles between the last two viewing properties (such as enhancements and frame modes)
Ctrl+Enter property column toggles the property column display, allowing users to mark various functions
PgDn page navigation shows the next page in a multi-page file, or inserts a new page in a file
PgUp page navigation shows the previous page in a multi-page file
Display Ratio/Push Shortcuts Shortcut Name Description
Ctrl+F2 Zoom/Pan Open View Manager
F2 Magnify Select Zoom Tool—Click to double at the selected point, or click and drag to enlarge a region of the file
Shift+F2 Zoom in on the selected object to change the view, showing the selected object in the graph with the largest size that can be displayed
F3 zoom back to previous zoom level view
F4 Zoom in all objects to change the view, display all objects in the graph with the largest size that can be displayed
H translation tool selects translation tool
Shift+F4 Zoom to Page Change View to Display Printable Pages
Alt+down arrow pans down to pan the file
Alt+up arrow pans up and pans up files
Alt+Right arrow pans right to pan right
Alt+left arrow pan left to pan file
Edit Shortcuts Shortcuts Name Description
Ctrl+C Copy Copy Select Object to Clipboard
Ctrl+Insert Copy Copy Select Object to Clipboard
Ctrl+X Trim to remove the selected object from the drawing, or put the selected object on the clipboard
Shift+delet Cut removes selected objects from the drawing, or places selected objects on the clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste the contents of the clipboard from the file
Shift+Insert pastes the contents of the clipboard from the file
Delet delete removes the selected object from the file
Ctrl+Z restore restore last*
Alt+Backspace restore restore last*
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo Restore Last Restored*
Ctrl+R repeat repeat last time
Ctrl+Shift+A copy attribute to copy set attribute from one object to another object
Ctrl+D Copy and select the object, and position it by the plus sign (+) according to the settings in the Options dialog box. Copy and select the object and overlay it directly on top of the original object.
Object Management Shortcuts Shortcuts Name Description
Ctlr+F5 Style Opens Styles Docker Window
Alt+Enter property shows the properties of an active tool or object
Ctrl+Q becomes a curve to change the selected object to a curve
Ctrl+L Merge merges selected objects into a single object with a series of attributes
Ctrl+K split splits the selected multi-path object into a single object
Ctrl+G group group selected object
Ctrl+U Undo group Ungroup the selected object
Ctrl+Y Grid point activation grid grid
Ctrl+Shift+Q transforms an outer frame into an object
Ctrl+A Select All Objects Select All Objects in the Drawing
Sequence/Location Shortcut Key Shortcut Name Brief Description
Ctrl+PgDn moves the object back one position in the object layer
Ctrl+PgUp moves the object forward one position in the object layer
Ctrl+PgDn to the rearmost moving object to the rear of the layered object
Ctrl+PgUp to the front of the moving object to the level of the stored object. Down Arrow Fine Tuning Adjusts the value specified in the Fine Tuning Options dialog box. Selects an item. Up Arrow Fine Tuning Adjusts the value specified in the Fine Tuning Options dialog box. Fine-tuning Fine-tuning to the right by selecting the value specified in the Fine-tune Options dialog box Selecting objects Left arrow Fine-tuning Fine-tuning to the left by selecting the value specified in the Trim Options dialog box
Shift+Down Arrow Fine Tuning Selects objects by the value specified in the Fine Tuning Options dialog box
Shift+Up Arrow Fine Tweak Selects objects by the value specified in the Fine Tune Options dialog box
Shift+Right Arrow Fine Tune Fine-tunes right by selecting the value specified in the Fine Tune Options dialog box
Shift+left arrow fine-tuning Fine-tuning to the left by selecting the value specified in the Fine-tuning Options dialog Alignment/distribution shortcuts Shortcuts Name Short description
B Aligns downwards to align the selected object
C Vertically Center Vertically Centers the selected object vertically
T Align Aligns the selected object
R right-aligned right-aligned selected
E Horizontally Centered Horizontally Centered Align selected objects
L Align Left Align Left Selected Object
These shortcut keys can be used in the Align Page Center to Align Selected Objects dialog box.
Color Filling/Outline Shortcut Key Shortcut Name Brief Description
F11 Gradient fill enters gradient fill dialog
Shift+F11 Standard Filling into Standard Filling Dialog
F12 Frame Pen Enters Frame Pen dialog
Shift+F12 frame pen color enter frame pen color dialog
Distortion shortcut shortcut key name brief introduction
Ctrl+F7 location open docker window
Ctrl+F8 Rotate to open spin dock window
Ctrl+F9 Zoom and Mirroring Open Zoom and Mirror Docking Window
Ctrl+F10 Size Opens Large Dock Dock Window
Effect Shortcut Key Shortcut Name Brief Description
Alt+F3 Filters Display Filters Docking Window Other Shortcuts Shortcuts Name Description
Ctrl+F11 Symbol Display Symbol Docking Window
Alt+F2 Linear Scale Display Linear Scale Docking Window
Shift+F1 Help: What is this? Display context-sensitive help for selected objects
Alt+F11 VBA Editor Runs VB Application Editor