Canned food packaging process

Editor's Note: The quality and safety of canned food products has always been the focus of quality inspection departments and consumers. How to extend the shelf life of canned food without preservatives is a difficult point in the processing of canned food manufacturers.

Then we talk about the selection of canned food packaging materials and containers and the process technology of canned food packaging.

★ Selection of Canned Packaging Materials and Containers

Canned packaging containers mainly use tin cans, thin-walled glass cans, cooking bags, empty metal cans and empty glass jars, can be purchased directly from the designated manufacturers, cooking bags can be purchased prefabricated bags or directly from the cannery production plant. Empty cans should be inspected before use, requiring that the tank type is neat, that the weld be complete and uniform, that the edges of the tank mouth and tank lid are not nicked or deformed, that there is no rust spot on the tin plate, and that the tin is removed. Glass jars should be neatly shaped, smooth and non-notched, uniform in thickness, and free of bubbles and cracks in the glass. Some empty cans should be cleaned before loading, and should not be put back for a long time after cleaning to avoid re-pollution.

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