Canadian Standard Freeness and Shore Degree of Conversion

Canadian Standard Freeness (ml) Shore Freeness (°SR) Canadian Standard Freeness (ml) Shore Freeness (°SR)
25 90.0 425 30.0
50 80.0 450 28.5
75 73.2 475 26.7
100 68.0 500 25.3
125 63.2 525 23.7
150 59.0 550 22.5
175 54.8 575 21.0
200 51.5 600 20.0
225 48.3 625 18.6
250 45.4 650 17.5
275 43.0 675 16.5
300 40.3 700 15.5
325 38.0 725 14.5
350 36.0 750 13.5
375 34.0 775 12.5
400 32.0 800 11.5

  • LESS TIME & EFFORT - Don't reach as far to get equal-or-better results faster than ever & with less effort with the longest, most ergonomic handle for the least strain on your back & hands, while you sit or stand.
  • REPLACE $30 TRIPS - Replace $30 spa trips with your equal-or-better results while you spend more time barefoot on yoga mats, grass or sand with your newfound confidence, no longer afraid to show them off.Pedicure Foot File

Pedicure Foot File

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