Using Information Technology to Improve Mathematics Teaching

Gu Changming Department of Education, Lianyungang Education Bureau, Jiangsu Province Lianyungang, Jiangsu 222006

With the rapid development of science and technology, information technology centered on multimedia technology has been widely used in education and teaching. Multimedia technology with its intuitive, flexible, practical, comprehensive, interactive, dynamic, simulation, three-dimensional and other powerful functions, as well as across time and space, easy integration, good operation, sound and emotion, audio-visual combination, dynamic and static The advantages of complementarity between reality and falseness, and the integration of knowledge are more and more popular among teachers and students. The effective integration of multimedia technology and elementary school mathematics can stimulate students 'interest in learning, promote students' active learning, reproduce the formation process of knowledge, break through the focus and difficulties of teaching, expand the space for practice consolidation, and optimize teaching feedback and evaluation. Greatly improve the relevance of means, enhance the pertinence of teaching, improve the effectiveness of teaching, and achieve the optimization of teaching.

1. Use information technology to stimulate students' interest in learning

Interest is an emotional state caused by the stimulation of external things. It is the main motivation for students to learn. When students are interested in learning content, their thinking will be active, and the effects of experience, memory and thinking will be greatly improved. The orientation ability of elementary school students is still at a low level. The state of attention still depends on the intuitiveness and visuality of the teaching. It is easy to excite students with new stimuli. Multimedia technology integrates sound, light, color, painting, and pleasure. The colorful pictures, vivid and sensible sounds, vivid artistic conception, wonderful simulation, and wonderful state are conducive to creating a specific teaching environment. Students are in it, and their sights, objects, people, and attitudes are within reach, activating students' interest in learning and arousing a strong desire to explore, and learning has become a process of easy and pleasant, active search. For example, when teaching "Multiplication of 7", use the seven-star ladybugs that children like to learn with everyone: a cute seven-star ladybug crawls out to greet everyone, and invite the children to guess 2 with a tender and sweet voice. Only three, four ... seven seven-star ladybugs each have several black spots. The atmosphere in the classroom was suddenly active, and the children wanted to count the seven-star ladybugs, thus inspiring their interest and enthusiasm for studying the multiplication formula of 7. A good start is half of the success, so the children began activities such as writing, transferring, internalizing, remembering and using the formula in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Suhomlinski pointed out: If teachers do not want to find ways to make students feel emotionally and intellectually excited, they are anxious to impart knowledge, and emotional brainwork will bring fatigue. Therefore, whether students' interest and enthusiasm for learning can be aroused is related to the success of teaching. In the above link, if the teacher simply asks "2, 3 ... there are 7 black spots on the 7 star ladybugs?" It will be tedious, and it will be difficult for students to integrate into trial and experience And active learning activities.

2. Use information technology to reproduce the knowledge formation process

Experience is the foundation of new knowledge construction. In mathematics teaching, there are some problems that seem simple, but students are often helpless. The reason is that the content of the topic is far from the actual life of the student. The limitations of students' existing knowledge experience and life experience have led students to have difficulties and obstacles in solving such problems. For example, when teaching the area of ​​the cylindrical side, there is a question: a roller with a diameter of 2 meters and a width of 1.8 meters. It rotates 5 times per minute. After 10 minutes, how many square meters of road surface will this roller press? Because the wheel is a curved surface, and the pressed road surface is a rectangle, it is difficult for students to understand. If you use Flash software to make a roller that is working, accompanied by the sound of a booming machine, the place where the roller passes is explained by the method of "color flashing" to make students understand that the roller working surface is the side of the cylinder rolling The rectangle left behind. The length of this rectangle is several perimeters of the wheel, and the width is the length of this wheel. The students' doubts are solved. As another example, during the lesson of "Year, Month, and Day", use multimedia technology to show the operating laws of the sun, moon, earth and other celestial bodies, that is, the earth rotates around the sun in one year, the moon rotates around the earth in January, and the earth rotates One week is a day, accompanied by commentary and pleasant music, vivid pictures bring students into the wonderful universe, perceive the origin of the year, month, and day, and understand the relationship between them. By reproducing and simulating the situation in this way, it makes up for the lack of students' perceptual experience, helps to understand the meaning of the question, and reproduces the formation process of knowledge.

3. Using information technology to break through the difficulties in teaching

Primary school mathematics is an important subject to train students' correct mathematical ideas and methods. Mathematical knowledge is extremely systematic, rigorous and scientific. Multimedia happens to accurately simulate and depict with its accurate image, which assists the classroom teaching well, highlights the key points, breaks through the difficulties, and makes the students' thinking direction clear from fuzzy. For example, the "meeting problem" has always been a difficult type of problem solving in primary school mathematics, and the application of multimedia technology has broken through this "bottleneck" well. According to the teaching needs, the multimedia courseware gradually and orderly demonstrates the "meeting problem". The images are accurate and scientific, concise and clear, so that students can accurately understand the terms of "going at the same time", "meeting", "meeting" and "backward". The connotation makes it easy to grasp the interrelationship between distance, speed, and time. It breaks through the difficult problems that traditional teaching cannot solve with a single explanation, and avoids the negative effects caused by physical operations, inaccurate model demonstration, and unscientific. As another example, when using the courseware to teach the lesson of “Comparison of two divisions of division”, the demonstration of the first division (equal division) of 6 divided by 2 is as follows: For the first time, 6 apples flash slowly Two of them, one by one, move into the left and right plates slowly one by one; the second and third times are the same as above. The second method of dividing 6 by 2 (including division) is to "circle" two apples first, blink slowly, and move them down into a plate together. The second and third methods are the same. This courseware is vivid, dynamic and procedural, showing two different divisions of division. Using the courseware to reveal the dynamic process of the two division methods, students fully perceive and retain and remember the "point" process, break through the difficulties, and easily complete the learning task.

4. Use information technology to promote students' active learning

"Learning from thinking, thinking from doubt", proactively setting doubts in the classroom to seek cognitive conflicts, and improving competence in comparative thinking, which is necessary for thinking training. It will make the students' thoughts collide sharply, and burst out the spark of creative thinking. For example, when teaching "The Understanding of Circles", multimedia technology is used to design such vehicles as showing rectangular wheels, square wheels, and oval wheels. The simulation dynamically demonstrates the scene of various cars moving forward. Cars with other shapes of wheels are constantly bumping, while cars with round wheels have been moving smoothly. Why is this? Through the demonstration, after comparison, it is found that the distance from the center point of the round wheel to the circle of the circle is equal, while the wheels of other shapes do not have such characteristics. So that students realize that the radii are equal in the same circle. Another example is that when learning axisymmetric figures, there are always some students who do not have a clear understanding of the characteristics of axisymmetric figures-"completely overlapping after folding", and mistakenly believe that the two sides are exactly the same. In response to this situation, multimedia drawing software is used to guide students to simply copy, paste, flip, and combine to make axisymmetric figures. This allows students to deepen their understanding of axisymmetric figures during operation. From this, they know that axisymmetric figures are not just the same on both sides, that is to say, they are not "copy", but also need to be "flipped", which is verified "Characteristics that completely overlap after being folded in half." The use of multimedia to learn the characteristics of axisymmetric graphics by making axisymmetric graphics is a breakthrough to the traditional teaching model and a real active learning method. Children learn more happier and more effectively. Through multimedia technology, it provides students with a situation that highlights the nature of the problem, triggers the deep development of students 'thinking in conflict, and promotes students' active learning.

5. Use information technology to expand practice and consolidate space

The mastery of knowledge, the formation of skills, the cultivation of abilities, and the formation of a good style of study must be achieved through a certain amount of practice. The course standard also clearly stipulates that: "students should initially learn to apply the knowledge and methods learned to solve simple practical problems." Therefore, practice is an important part of students' learning process. The biggest success of a series of targeted exercises presented using multimedia technology is the conversion of the passive into the active and the abstract into the concrete. Through entertaining exercises, students can easily consolidate the knowledge they have learned, stimulate students ’deep learning interest, and also provide teachers with methods and ways for student evaluation and information feedback in a timely manner. For example, in the course of teaching "Pan and Rotate", based on the students' understanding and mastering the movement methods of translation and rotation, they also designed the "Breakthrough Game" and "Puzzle Puzzle" to help the goldfish find food through the students. , The use of jigsaw puzzle activities to enable students to better consolidate the knowledge learned in this lesson. Students are very welcome to this kind of mathematics practice, and truly achieve learning and entertainment. In addition, teachers can also arrange some exercises in the computer before the class. Just click the mouse directly in the class, which saves the teacher's writing time and improves the classroom teaching capacity and density. There is also a feature of multimedia, which allows students to choose the topic independently, and skip what they can do, so that they can teach according to their aptitude and have their own gains. In addition, game-type exercises can also be designed, such as "taking the red flag", "walking the single bridge", "firecrackers", "finding friends" and other games, allowing students to review and consolidate the knowledge they have learned in interesting activities, greatly improving the efficiency of classroom teaching .

6. Use information technology to promote classroom feedback and evaluation

Within a set time frame, use a certain teaching strategy to complete the predetermined teaching tasks, achieve the corresponding teaching goals, and obtain the optimization of the expected benefits, so that both the learner and the teacher can get the most progress and development. The classroom is the effective classroom. Multimedia technology-assisted teaching can promote efficient feedback in classroom teaching. In the lower grades, the status of computing teaching is particularly important. Mastering the computing speed of each student in a timely manner can help teachers understand the students' computing abilities and guide them in a targeted manner. In traditional teaching, teachers generally control the speed of students' calculations through activities such as oral calculation contests. However, traditional oral calculation contests have many drawbacks, and it is difficult to master the accurate time of each student in an activity. Use the computer classroom to complete the calculation by simply typing the number keys, and then the computer will time, review and feedback. The computer can not only complete a large amount of workload in traditional teaching in an instant, but also enable each student to understand his learning situation. Such a learning method not only frees the teacher from the tedious and repetitive review work, but also makes the feedback of the student's work more timely and accurate. It is a truly efficient learning revolution.

The new teaching evaluation system requires more openness and diversification in terms of evaluation content, form, space, etc., and multimedia can provide a better platform for such openness and diversity to some extent. For example, in the teaching of "Understanding Direction", by designing a tour route of a certain park, the students will conduct their own self-experience activities, and it is the multimedia that guides the students to self-study. Suggestive and encouraging languages ​​such as "good" and "where will you go if you go north" will gradually help students complete their learning tasks.

The integration of information technology and disciplines is an inevitable requirement for the development of the times, and it will also become the mainstream curriculum learning platform in the information age, providing multiple means for teaching and learning, improving the presentation of teaching information, optimizing the classroom teaching structure, and promoting Changes in teaching methods and learning methods are conducive to improving the quality of the classroom and enhancing the effectiveness of teaching. But we must also be soberly aware that the multimedia-based methods of information technology to assist primary school mathematics teaching must grasp the principle of "time, appropriateness, and appropriateness". According to the teaching objectives, teaching content and the actual needs of students, we should accurately grasp the best role of multimedia and the best display timing, clarify the role, make reasonable choices, and use their strengths. In the vision of purpose and means, in the evolution of tradition and modernity, in the practice of methods and approaches, in the blending of subject and object, multimedia technology must become a booster that gives the classroom vitality and tension.


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