Conductive adhesives are widely used - conductive adhesives, that is, conductive adhesives, can effectively glue a variety of materials, but also has conductive properties. Conductive adhesives include two major classes, isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) and anisotropic conductive adhesive (ACA). ICA refers to an adhesive that conducts electricity in all directions; ACA is not the same. For example, Z-axis ACA refers to an adhesive that conducts in the Z direction, and it does not conduct electricity in the X and Y directions.
Conductive adhesives are commonly used in microelectronic assembly and include thin wires and printed circuits, plated substrates, metal layers of ceramic adherends, metal chassis connections, bonding wires and headers, bonding elements, and flat printed circuits. Holes, adhesive waveguide tuning, and hole repair.
Conductive adhesives can also be used in place of spot welds where the soldering temperature exceeds the resistance to the formation of an oxide film by soldering. Conductive adhesives as a substitute for tin-lead solder, its main application areas such as: telephone and mobile communications systems; radio, television, computers and other industries; automotive industry, medical equipment; solve electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and other aspects.
Another application of conductive adhesives is in ferroelectric devices for the bonding of electrode pads to magnet crystals. Conductive adhesives can replace solders and crystals as the solder temperature tends to deposit. Bonding for battery terminals is another use for conductive adhesives when the soldering temperature is unfavorable.
Source: Chemical Fine Network
Moreover, the conductive adhesive can form a joint of sufficient strength and, therefore, can be used as a structural adhesive.
With the rapid development of the electronic assembly industry, the research of conductive adhesives will also go to a higher level, that is, to high conductivity, low thermal resistance, and more reliable direction.