China's latest 12 kinds of packaging materials introduced
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The development of profiled materials is also very rapid, and all kinds of special-shaped (such as complex peak and socket type) materials are produced, and the profiles are becoming thinner, lighter, and functional. Profiles, particularly paper honeycombs, are also used in the packaging industry, and they are promising.
New plastics and plastic alloys in China's major development plants polysulfone, polyphenylene sulfide, polyether esters, poly-acids and poly-arylene esters and other engineering plastics, the application is good. Foreign polycarbonates, polyesters, polyphenols, and polyoxymethylene still dominate the market. Among them, polycarbonate has developed the fastest. Engineering plastics mainly studies the modification and application of composite technologies, composite technologies and processing technologies. Plastic alloys mainly study the interpenetrating network, graft copolymerization and block copolymerization, molecular compounding technology in the alloying technology, reactive extrusion and mutual mixing and physical mixing. In foreign countries, PBT and PET alloys develop rapidly, especially in automotive and automation equipment and electronics. There are mainly PBT/ABS, PBT/PC, PBT/silicone, PBT/PPE, PBT/PET, PBT/alkenyl polymer systems. In foreign countries, PBT plastic alloys have also been used to manufacture special high-strength packaging containers. The performance of PET alloys in the United States (LCPl0%) is superior to that of PET, and it is also used in packaging.
Functional polymer materials New varieties of functional polymer materials mainly include: 1. Electrically-functional polymers such as conductive materials; 2. Optical functional molecules and photoconductive materials; and Gradient-index polymers; 3. Chemical functions such as Catalytic material, adsorbent material; 4. Magnetic function plus magnetic polymer material: 5. Separation membrane and oxygen-enriched membrane polymer material in mechanical function such as mass transfer function material; 6. Biological function such as biomedical polymer material, biodegradation Materials (heat shrinkable film), heat-resistant polymer materials, thermochromic materials; 7, smart polymer materials, such as polypyrrole, polyphenanthrene, polyaniline and so on.
Silicone and fluorine materials
Silicon-based polymer materials are new materials in the 21st century. At present, on the basis of molecular design and molecular structure, synthesis reactions such as defluorination condensation and hydride silylation methylation polymerization are discussed, and molecular diversified functional materials are developed to develop photoelectron functional materials for high-grade composite membrane equipment. Silicone is an ecological material with excellent performance. It is mainly used in aerospace, automotive, construction, bioengineering, and other high-tech fields. The next stage goal is to improve molecular design and synthesis techniques, and to achieve the optimization of silicone functionalization, polymer synthesis, and material preparation techniques.
Good progress has been made in the application of fluorine-based materials in packaging. For example: PTFE's high strength, functionality, high stability, thermal stability of PEA, PVDF functional film. In addition, fluorine-based polymers with good piezoelectric properties, antistatic properties, radiation resistance, and abrasion resistance have also been introduced.
Special fiber modern fiber variety. Fibers with different chemical structures give a great influence on the strength of synthetic fibers. In order to enhance or improve the strength and kinetic energy of fibers, the fibers have been subjected to surface modification treatment and corona, electroplating, vacuum coating, and the like. The use of ray processing techniques for superfibers can greatly increase their strength. Super synthetic fiber used in tires has undergone a variety of researches. Kevlar fiber has a variety of processes that do not use latex or rubber paste. High-functional fiber materials such as wholly aromatic polyesters, high-polymerization PE, fluorine-based, and POM have also been gradually applied in special synthetic fibers. Conductive fibers and magnetically conductive fiber composite plastics (films) are also widely used, mainly used in anti-static, electromagnetic and other sensitive packaging containers and packaging materials.
Special rubbers, special rubbers for sealing and damping materials are mainly based on NBR, NHBR, CO/ECO, and ACM, and Japan's production level is the best. Among them, NBR has good performance, wide application, more than 300 kinds of specifications, and new functions of NBR are also coming out.
NHBH. The comprehensive performance lamp will only develop towards high strength. EC/ECO has excellent heat resistance, aging resistance and ozone resistance, and ACM is strengthening its oil resistance and plugging resistance.
Organic Separation Membrane In view of the world's lack of industrial industrial water, the first developed cellulose acetate membrane was first used as a membrane to absorb sewage, and it is now also used in the separation of various industrial wastewaters and food processing industries. High-performance separation membranes are one of the industrial basic technical topics in the 21st century. Therefore, the development trend in the future is to improve the performance of separation membranes, and to study the separation of water from alcohols, separation of hydrogen, separation of chlorine, and separation of hydrocarbons. In addition to oxygen-enriched membranes, there has been good progress in the study of high-molecular compound immunosorbent separations for the treatment of blood electrostatics and pathogens. Separation membranes and separation extrusion technology occupy a very important position in the production of food, beverage processing and space water, mineral water, beverage water distribution, and are widely used.
Biopolymer materials Biopolymer materials have entered the experimental stage, such as artificial blood vessels, artificial heart, artificial valves, artificial lungs, artificial warts, and artificial bones. The application of biopolymer materials in packaging is expanding. For example, microbial (bacterial) plastics, bovine degradable plastics, and bovine-derived biodegradable plastics are all hot topics in the packaging world today.
Organic optoelectronic materials Photoelectron organic polymer materials New research varieties: organic photochromic polymer materials, nonlinear optical materials, photorefractive materials, polarizing polymer materials, selective light-transmitting polymer materials, photoelectric conversion functional materials, piezoelectric materials, Functional polymer materials and so on. Non-linear optical polymers (NLO), gradient refractive index polymers (such as methyl phenate, vinyl benzoate, etc.) have also made great strides. Therefore, organic optoelectronic materials have great potential for application in special packaging.
The resin-based composite material has a wide variety of polymer composite materials in which a variety of fibers, granules or films are compounded using a resin as a matrix. For example, adding conductive fibers into conductive functional materials, wave absorbing functional materials, adding ceramics, glass fiber and carbon fiber composite reinforced plastics, or different resin films and multilayer composites into composite materials, etc., its application fields are very wide; reinforced fiber composite There are more than 30 kinds of fibers in the model. In the packaging has been widely used mainly laminated composite, co-extruded composite, mixed and reused types of composite materials.
The development trend of resin-based composite materials: First, to improve the composite process, improve the performance and function of composite materials; Second, select the appropriate materials and the best process to reduce the cost of composite materials; Third, the development of new varieties, such as the structure is being developed. Materials, functional materials, molecular composites, ecological composites, etc.
Metal Matrix Composites These composites have high strength, high modulus, good high temperature parts, and good electrical and thermal conductivity properties. They are particularly suitable for aerospace and other industrial sectors. Therefore, it is mainly used for composite metals of titanium, nickel, copper, lead and silver. In particular, light metal-based materials such as aluminum, magnesium, and iron, and composite materials include metals, non-metals, and other compounds.
The market and development status of metal matrix composites are arranged in the order of aluminum base, magnesium base and titanium tomb, but the growth rate is opposite. The most widely used star-aluminum-based and new titanium-based composite materials for packaging materials.
Ceramic matrix composites Ceramic matrix composites mainly include: ceramics-metals, ceramics-ceramics, ceramics-polymers and their multilayer composites. Foreign research focuses on high-temperature superconducting ceramic materials, piezoelectric ceramic polymer composites, and nano-ceramic composites.