The developer's recommended development time is, in most cases, suitable for most people. However, if it is found that the film is always thicker (darker) or thinner (lighter) than required, first check your exposure meter and camera to determine if the exposure is correct. If the exposure is indeed normal, then the film is always too thick or too thin, it is caused by the developing device or the developing method. You can shorten or lengthen the development time of the negative film according to your wishes, so that the photo can achieve satisfactory results. When you do an experiment to determine the development time, change the development time to a range of 10% increase or decrease. Do not deviate too far.
Moreover, if the development time is too long, the printed photographs are liable to cause coarse particles and the contrast is too large. The development time should be reduced until a normal contrast is obtained.
 For the film is too flat and the contrast is too small, the development time should be increased to make the picture more glorious.
It is very subjective to visually identify the quality of the film, even by experts. Therefore, not only relying on visual examination of the film, they arrogantly decided to change the development conditions. The first thing that should be considered is the quality of the photo produced with the film. To some extent, it is more important to look at pictures with your eyes than to look at negatives. If you can easily produce high-quality photos with negatives, you don't have to change the developing conditions of the negatives.
打开 Open the filling port on the tank at the end of the development time (do not remove the lid) and start pouring the developer. The time to start pouring the developer is advanced. In order to make the timer indicate the end of development, the developer tank just emptied, and the backflow time is about 5-20 seconds, which varies according to the tank used by each person. It should be remembered that the time you need to use each time the tank is poured .
Stop or wash
 According to the manufacturer's instructions, the diluted stop-in fluid is injected into the developer tank, and it is continuously shaken for 30 seconds or for a specified time. Its role is to stop the development and wash off the developer remaining on the film and the developer tank, and pour out the stop solution to recycle it for reuse. Because the stop solution is acidic, it neutralizes the developer more quickly than washing. It also helps prevent developer from being carried into the fixer. If you plan to flush a lot of film and you want to reuse the fixer, it's worth considering stopping liquids. Most of the fixer's capacity is based on the use of suspension fluid.
 Pour the fixer, adjust the timer to the required time, and ask for sufficient stirring until the fixing time is over, and pour out the fixer. If necessary, recycle it for reuse. The fixer should be the same temperature as the developer.
Film washing
 In order to prevent the deterioration of the film image quality in the future, a small amount of fixing solution must be rinsed with clean water to wash the remaining fixing solution off the film before drying. To keep the water flowing from the center of the spool in the open tank, let the water flow out of the spiral slot and flush away the fixer. Usually 20 minutes of flushing is sufficient. It is best to check the film manufacturers. Recommended washing time.
Xu Shiyan compiled